Friday, October 14, 2011

Before we started a family, I thought I'd never...

I have fallen in the self-laid trap of making promises I should have never made (especially to our kids) but I’m not one to often say out loud that "I'll never do" something.
However, in my head there is always a random list of things I think I'll never do. I'm just one that won't promise it. It's an important distinction that I need to learn better since my kids have a tendency to keep me honest and have the memory of an elephant!
Here is a list of things that, before we started a family, I thought I’d never….
1: Watch iCarly when no one is home and actually like it.
2: Have to keep my kids from discovering Home Alone for fear he would learn too much.
3: Buy a Nerf for my kids let alone participate along in pretend battles– and then take joy when I got him.
4: Allow movie watching with a little language (like Goonies or Shrek) just because they are too good to miss.
5: Offer my son my t-shirt for him to wipe his nose.
6: Think playgrounds and parks would be a more important deciding factor than speed and convenience when picking a travel route.
7: Love playing with Legos.
How about you? Spill it.

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